Dōjō rules
Our Ninja Stars' dōjō (Training Hall) has implemented the following rules to help ensure that lessons are run efficiently and to provide a safe and injury free training environment for all members and teachers.
Before class
Students should arrive on time for their lesson.
Training gear should be clean & appropriate.
Long hair should be securely tied up.
No jewelry should be worn.
Expensive items, personal items and cash should not be brought to class.
During class
Students may only enter the dōjō with the instructor's permission.
Students may not use any equipment without the permission of the instructor.
Students may not leave the hall without the permission of the instructor.
Students should behave in a courteous manner at all times.
Students must listen to their teachers instructions at all times.
Water bottles are permitted.
No food is permitted.
After class
Students must help to clear equipment away and leave the hall clean.
Students should wait in an orderly manner and notify the instructor when they are leaving with their designated parent / guardian.
Parents / guardians
Parents and guardians may view lessons from outside the hall.
No photography or recording of children is permitted.
Parents / guardians should be prompt for their children's collection.
Students will only be allowed to be collected by designated parents / guardians.
Parents / guardians wishing to speak to an instructor can do so prior to class, after class, via email or by appointment. Instructors will be unable to speak with parents / guardians during training.
Term fees must be paid in accordance with the club's Fees Policy (See Terms & Conditions)