Learning how to break one's fall from a throw or when landing from a tumble is Ninja training 101. No Ninja is complete without being able to land safely and without injury while training and practicing their techniques. Ninja Star Kids continuously practice this fundamental skill.
Curriculum: Ninja SKILLS
A Ninja has many skills to learn. Our Ninja Stars' skill set comes under four major headings:
Self defence
Ninja are highly capable fighters but only use their fighting skills as a last resort. All of our Ninja Star Kids are taught self defense skills with temperance, restraint and respect for others to the forefront. Using a combination of pad / bag work, partner training and sparring, students will be coached in a wide range of Ninja tricks such as kicking and hand techniques, grappling skills, tripping, restraint and throwing techniques.
Ninja are famous for their speed and agility, skills that they use to dazzle and confuse their opponents and carry out their missions. As each student's speed, strength, balance and co-ordination improves, they will learn how to perform a variety of tumbles, rolls, head stands, hand stands gymnastic movements, vaults and free-running that help to round off their Ninja Skills training.
Secret Skills
An exciting portion of our Ninja Kid's training is learning the skills of crawling for cover, concealment, scaling walls, star throwing and walking without making a sound! All of these roll-play activities help to fuel your child's imagination, keeps them active in interesting ways, and creates challenges for them to overcome both as individuals and as part of a team.